
directtools is a Python module for quickly plotting standardized S(Q,E) color fill plots as well as line profiles (cuts) in constant Q and E. The module also provides a few utility functions for inspecting and manipulating the S(Q,E) workspace.


class directtools.SampleLogs(workspace)

Transform sample log entries from workspace into attributes of this object.

directtools.dynamicsusceptibility(workspace, temperature, outputName=None, zeroEnergyEpsilon=1e-06)

Convert S(Q,E) to susceptibility \chi''(Q,E).

directtools.nanminmax(workspace, horMin=-inf, horMax=inf, vertMin=-inf, vertMax=inf)

Return min and max intensities of a workspace.

directtools.plotcuts(direction, workspaces, cuts, widths, quantity, unit, style='l', keepCutWorkspaces=True)

Cut and plot multiple line profiles.

directtools.plotprofiles(workspaces, labels=None, style='l')

Plot given line profile workspaces.

directtools.plotconstE(workspaces, E, dE, style='l', keepCutWorkspaces=True)

Plot line profiles at constant energy.

directtools.plotconstQ(workspaces, Q, dQ, style='l', keepCutWorkspaces=True)

Plot line profiles at constant momentum transfer.

directtools.plotSofQW(workspace, QMin=0.0, QMax=None, EMin=None, EMax=None, VMin=0.0, VMax=None, colormap='jet')

Plot a 2D plot with given axis limits and return the plotting layer.


Return matplotlib figure and axes.

directtools.validQ(workspace, E=0.0)

Return a Q range at given energy transfer where S(Q,E) is defined.


Print some useful information from sample logs.

Category: Techniques